Scout Ranks

Lion Rank – Kindergarten
The Lion Den introduces the core values and fun of scouting to your 5 or 6-year-old. The Lion Den meets less frequently, has shorter meetings, and few requirements than other ranks. It is meant to provide boys and girls a positive introduction to scouting.

Tiger Rank – 1st Grade
Boy and girls who are 7 years old or in the first grade join the Tiger Den. Tigers and their adult partners are just that, partners. They attend meetings together, go on adventures like field trips together, and complete requirements together. This partnership is unique to this rank.

Wolf Rank – 2nd Grade
Boys and girls who are 8 years old or in the second grade join the Wolf Den. The Wolf rank is a step up in achievements and electives from the previous ranks.

Bear Rank – 3rd Grade
Boys and girls who are 9 years old or in the third grade join the Bear Den. Bears must complete six required adventures and one elective adventure that are more challenging than those for the Wolf badge.

Webelos Rank – 4th/5th Grade
Boys and girls who are 10 or 1 years old or in the fourth or fifth grade join the Webelos. Webelos Scouts get to work on the five required Webelos adventures and choose two elective adventures. For each adventure completed, the scout receives a pin to wear on his or her Webelos colors or hat. After completing seven adventures, a Scout is awarded the Webelos badge.

Arrow of Light
Arrow of Light is the highest rank in Cub Scouting. Once a scout achieves the Webelos rank, he or she may work on Arrow of Light requirements. All Cub Scouts, except for those scouts who join Cub Scouting for the first time in fifth grade, must earn their Webelos rank prior to earning Arrow of Light. Scouts must complete four required adventures and three elective adventures to earn the Arrow of Light rank.